Eat Fresh. Eat Local.

Eat Organic.

Buy now

GV Farms brings you a variety of fresh organic vegetables like water spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, squash — all grown on city rooftops.

Fresh produce from rooftop to table

Best Sellers

Water Morning Glory

Water Morning Glory

Malabar Spinach

Malabar Spinach

Our Missions

Educate the Community

Teach people how to grow their own clean food using sustainable and innovative methods like hydroponics and aeroponics.

Promote Sustainability

Contribute to a greener urban environment by utilizing rooftop spaces for farming, reducing urban heat, improving air quality.

Provide Clean Healthy Food

Ensure every family has access to fresh organic produce that is free from chemicals and rich in nutrients.

Visit Us

126 Street Number 38, Binh Trung Tay, District 2, Thu Duc City


Monday – Friday

9am – 5pm



Online store

Grab Mart – GV Farms